




Link Your Site to Bwedd.com

Placing a link from your site to Bwedd.com is easy! To download a .GIF versions of the buttons to the right just follow
these directions. If you have any problems, please e-mail us at support@bwedd.com,
and we can help you.


Right click on one of the images to the right (click and hold for Macs).
Choose "Save Image As", then pick the folder you would like to save the image to.
Hit "Save".
In your HTML, place the following code:
For the larger image:
<A HREF="http://www.brilliantweddingpages.com/"> <IMG SRC="bweddlogo_200x150.gif" ALT="Create Your Wedding Website at Brilliant Wedding Pages" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0"> </A>
For the smaller image:
<A HREF="http://www.brilliantweddingpages.com/"> <IMG SRC="bweddlogo_150x75.gif" ALT="Create Your Wedding Website at Brilliant Wedding Pages" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="75" BORDER="0"> </A>
You are ready to roll!

