"We have received so many compliments on the website and we had so much fun setting it up. We designed little business cards and listed our website address so that everyone could see it. It has given everyone the opportunity who didn't know how we met as well as some friends/family who has not seen us in a while to see us before our big day."
- Kamilah
New Option - "Domain Name"
Now you can have the Domain Name of your choice for your Bwedd.com wedding website for just $50.00/year. Here's how it works:
E-mail your 1st and 2nd choices of requested Domain Names to support@bwedd.com
Many of you have written in to me with some great ideas. I always like to share what you have to say, so in this issue of the Cost-Effective Bride, you will find out how other brides and grooms have used their creativity to come up with variations on ideas in past articles.
"I read your article and loved it, but also thought you could make another twist to it...Now you can take pictures and turn them into iron-ons. I thought it would be a great idea to either use pictures from throughout the couple's relationship or maybe to use the engagement photos that most couples get and don't know what do do with."
Thanks Melanie! What a great idea! Make photos into Iron Ons, then iron them onto a blanket or quilt for your guests to sign as a guestbook. You can make a collage or just one large picture, or use a photo for every couple of sqaures on the quilt.
"Thanks for the how-to notes on your web page on fridge magnet wedding favors. My wife and I got married Sept. 21, 2002, and we made similar wedding favors. We got lots of positive comments on them!
A few details... after setting up our Word document the way you described, we got our photos printed in color on glossy card stock. Having this stiff paper, I believe, made it easier to attach the photos to the magnets, and it was only about 4 cents more per page. We did not laminate our magnets. We got the copying and cutting done at a local university copy center, which was much cheaper than Kinko's or Staples. In all, the magnets came to $0.31 each, for 300 magnets.
Incidentally, I didn't have much luck with inserting text boxes in the Word document... it was very hard to make them line up like I wanted. So I did all the text beforehand, using a graphical photo editor program like Photoshop (I actually used PhotoStudio 5, which came with our scanner) and so the text was already part of the jpg file before I inserted it into the Word document.
One other detail to note is resolution. People may want to consult the printing / copying place about what resolution they suggest for the photo scan. My understanding is that 600dpi is a good resolution for printing."
Thanks for your help, Lars! I am under the impression that 300dpi is a good resolution for printing, however, I am sure more can't hurt. Consulting your place of printing is a great idea!
If you would like to send me your thoughts, ideas, comments, I would love to hear them and possibly include them in a future issue of the Cost-Effective Bride. Send them to: kelly@bwedd.com
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the staff at Bwedd.com!
Due to the holidays, there will be no Cost-Effective Bride on Monday, December 30th. You will receive the next Cost-Effective Bride Newsletter on Monday, January 13, 2003. Please have a safe and happy New Year's and may you be blessed in all that you do!
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